Happy Moments.

Saturday 10 January 2009

What is CF?

Well cf is a place christian students or any other student in the school can gather and , have fun , learn not only christian values but moral ones too.

Cf is always mistaken for ( CHRISTIAN ) fellowship as in , it is only for christians, but its not only for christians. A cf by right also welcomes other students , not counting religion, race ,and thier backgrounds.

The most common things that we should know as cf members is the fact of what is cf and why is cf in school's for?Well, think about it , why do we even bother gathering every week. Is it to get curriculum marks? or is it that cf is the easiest place to be noticed?To think about it you will take awhile but its worth it. When you know why is cf in the school and what is cf you will know what God wants and you can carry out God's will and be blessed.

Try to pray about it. Ask God this questions:
What is CF?
Why is CFs in the schools?
Why did you place me in this school and cf?

I am sure your questions will be answered.

That is all for now stay tuned for more stuff.


1 comment:

!$a@C said...

hey.. this St john's institution KL (De La Salle Institution) Christian Fellowship

As the cf prez, i would like to extend our hand of friendship

haha... here's our blog


look forword to working with you guys if God willing