Happy Moments.

Thursday 1 October 2009

Recess Revolution Mission.

Hey everyone.

From now one recess revolution missions and notifications will be posted on the blog too.
What is Recess Revo? This might sound new to the afternoon session or some of you guys.
Go to http://urtherevolution.com to find out more.

Ok now to business.

To: All Recess Revolution Members or La Salle Klang. & Anyone who wants to do this.

This week each one of us are going to choose a non-christian friend in our school. And you are going to pray for that person for at least a week. So either from 2nd October 2009 (Friday) to 6th October 2009 (Wednesday) you are going to let your friend know that you are praying for him.

This is only part one of the mission. The second part will be assigned to you guys next week.

The prayer points are up to you. As long as you are praying blessing upon that person.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don’t usually reply to posts but I will in this case. I’ve been experiencing this very same problem with a new WordPress installation of mine. I’ve spent weeks calibrating and getting it ready when all of a sudden… I cannot delete any content. It’s a workaround that, although isn’t perfect, does the trick so thanks! I really hope this problem gets solved properly asap.